Based on preliminary data, the average temperature for Illinois in the first half of June is 73.2 degrees, 2.9 degrees above average. The statewide average precipitation was 3.32 inches, 1.13 inches above average.
Table 1 shows the temperatures and precipitation for June by climate division, also known as crop reporting districts. Much of Illinois has been wet, but far southern Illinois has been on the dry side in the last few weeks. Not that it’s necessarily a problem since that area had exceptional rainfall totals in both April and May.
Table 2 shows the same thing, only for the year to date. Overall, Illinois temperatures in 2011 are about 1 degree below average while precipitation is 6.42 inches above average. The precipitation departures are most impressive in southern Illinois and exceed 10 inches in those areas.
Table 1. Illinois conditions for June 1-16, 2011.
Climate <------Temperature-----> <---------Precipitation---------> Division Actual Normal Dev Actual Normal Dev Percent ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Northwest 69.6 68.1 1.4 3.39 2.32 1.08 147 Northeast 68.8 67.5 1.3 3.62 2.26 1.36 160 West 72.3 70.3 2.0 5.86 2.17 3.68 269 Central 71.7 70.0 1.7 3.34 2.08 1.25 160 East 72.0 69.9 2.1 3.13 2.17 0.96 144 West-southwest 74.6 71.1 3.4 4.17 2.05 2.13 204 East-southeast 75.3 71.4 3.9 2.77 2.22 0.55 125 Southwest 77.8 72.1 5.7 1.35 2.16 -0.81 63 Southeast 78.0 72.5 5.5 1.74 2.27 -0.53 77 State 73.2 70.2 2.9 3.32 2.19 1.13 152
Table 2. Illinois conditions for January 1 – June 16, 2011.
Climate <------Temperature-----> <---------Precipitation---------> Division Actual Normal Dev Actual Normal Dev Percent ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Northwest 39.5 41.4 -1.8 19.64 15.32 4.32 128 Northeast 40.0 41.5 -1.5 21.44 15.58 5.87 138 West 43.1 44.7 -1.5 21.44 16.30 5.14 132 Central 42.7 44.1 -1.4 20.70 16.16 4.54 128 East 42.9 43.9 -1.0 21.98 16.30 5.68 135 West-southwest 45.4 46.5 -1.1 21.92 17.19 4.73 127 East-southeast 46.5 47.0 -0.5 26.56 18.77 7.79 142 Southwest 48.9 49.0 -0.1 30.20 19.93 10.27 152 Southeast 49.6 49.3 0.3 33.15 21.75 11.40 152 State 44.1 45.1 -1.0 23.74 17.32 6.42 137 Dev means Deviation From Normal, Percent means Percent of Normal