Drought in Illinois

Drought is a complex physical and social phenomenon of widespread significance, and despite all the problems droughts have caused, drought has been difficult to define (see What is Drought?). In fact, the most straightforward way to identify a drought is by looking at the impacts such as crop losses, low water levels in lakes and streams, and water shortages, rather than specific definitions of shortfalls in precipitation.

Current Drought Status

Current U.S. Drought Monitor map

Total (inches)
Departure from Average (inches)
Percent of Normal
Last 7 Days
Last 30 Days
Last 90 Days
Month to Date
Year to Date

Current NLDAS2 Soil Moisture Percentile: https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/Drought/Monitoring/smp_new.shtml#

USGS 7-day Average Streamflow


8 to 14 day
Week 3-4
One Month
Three Month

The 2012 Drought in Illinois

Illinois experienced one of the most severe droughts in recent decades in 2012.


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