Climate Station Summaries

Climate Station Year-to-Date Precipitation


Historical Climate Information

Here are extensive climate statistics for individual sites in Illinois, including monthly normals and extremes. Stations were chosen based on length of record and completeness of data. Normal monthly temperature and precipitation data for all sites can be downloaded (Excel).  You can also view site informationtemperature normals, and precipitation normals.

Recently, it was discovered that the record low precipitation records stated here may not always be correct. Missing data can lead to monthly, seasonal, or annual totals that are too low. If determining the record low precipitation for a station is important to you, please contact the IL-SCO at for more information.

The seasons mentioned in the summaries are defined as: Winter (December, January, February); Spring (March, April, May); Summer (June, July, August); and Fall (September, October, November).

The data used in these products come from the National Weather Service (NWS) Cooperative Observer Program (COOP). This network of more than 11,000 volunteer observers nationwide, using approved instruments and observing techniques, provides high-quality climate data to the nation. The data are archived at the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).