Current Observations
Here are current weather conditions in Champaign-Urbana, updated every 5 to 15 minutes.
The daily and monthly data, including departures from average and seasonal snowfall and degree days, for Champaign-Urbana are found in the first 7 links. These data are provided as Excel files.
- Daily and Monthly Data for 2023
- Daily and Monthly Data for 2022
- Daily and Monthly Data for 2021
- Daily and Monthly Data for 2020
- Daily and Monthly Data for 2019
- Daily and Monthly Data for 2018
- Willard Airport hourly data
- Illinois Climate Network automated station
Daily Weather Almanac
Daily normals, records, sunrise, and sunset for Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, collected at the Illinois State Water Survey near the corner of First and Windsor in Champaign. Sunrise and sunset times are from NOAA.
Monthly Reports (PDF)
January | February | March |
April | May | June |
July | August | September |
October | November | December |
Entire 2024 Daily Weather Almanac (link to Excel file)
January | February | March |
April | May | June |
July | August | September |
October | November | December |
Entire 2023 Daily Weather Almanac (link to Excel file)
January | February | March |
April | May | June |
July | August | September |
October | November | December |
Entire 2022 Daily Weather Almanac (link to Excel file)
Historical Data, Averages, Extremes, and Plots
- Monthly average and records for Champaign-Urbana
- Plots of annual temperature, precipitation, and snowfall
- Daily and monthly data from 1888-present can be obtained from the free MRCC Cli-MATE system