Fifth Warmest Fall in Illinois

The average temperature for fall in Illinois (September-November) was 57.4 degrees, 3.0 degrees above average. As a result, it is the 5th warmest fall since 1895, based on preliminary data.

The top five warmest falls in Illinois:

  1. 1931 with 59.8 degrees
  2. 1963 with 58.0 degrees
  3. 1998 with 57.7 degrees
  4. 1971 with 57.5 degrees
  5. 2015 with 57.4 degrees

Here are the monthly departures of temperature in Illinois through the end of November for 2015. All three fall months were warmer than average. September was 4.6 degrees above average, October was 1.7 degrees above average, and November was 4.5 degrees above average.


Monthly precipitation for 2015 shows the near-average September, the dry October, and the wet November. The 3-month total was 10.44 inches, 0.5 inches above average. Of course, this was overshadowed by the wet spring, especially June. In face, Illinois has already reached 41.79 inches of precipitation in 2015, 1.35 inches above the 12-month average.


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