April Temperature and Rainfall in Illinois

Updated May 2, 2016. 


Here are the April rainfall and departure from normal maps. In general, the northern half of the state has received 1.5 to 4 inches of rain, while the southern half has received 4 to 7 inches of rain. As a result, some areas around Peoria are below normal while areas in south-central Illinois are above normal on rainfall for the month so far. The statewide average rainfall for April was 3.30 inches, 0.5 inches below normal. The highest monthly rainfall totals were 8.65 inches at Paris, and 7.98 inches at Effingham. 






April temperatures were colder-than-normal for the first half of  the month and warmer-than-normal for the second half. As a result, the two halves almost cancel each other out. The average temperature for Illinois in April was 52.7 degrees, 0.1 degrees above the statewide normal.


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