7-Day Rainfall (NWS)
Here are the 7-day totals for the central US, capturing the rainfall over the weekend. As forecasted, the heaviest rains were in Missouri and along the IL/MO border. Shades of green represent 0.5 to 2.0 inches.Most of IA, MI, IN, and OH received moderate amounts of rain from this system. However, large parts of Illinois received less than 0.5 inches (shaded in blue).
Streamflows (USGS)
A pattern of below-normal stream flows has developed across central and southern Illinois (map below). Stations with flows below the 10th percentile, meaning that the rate is in the bottom 10 percent of all flows observed for this time of year, are in red. Stations with flows between 10 and 24th percentiles are in orange. These low numbers reflect the warm, dry winter and early spring. While the stream flows are low for this time of year, they are still higher compared to the really low flows we normally see in late summer.
Forecast for next 7 days (NWS)
The NWS precipitation forecast for the next 7 days indicates that there is the potential for widespread rains across the south and lower Midwest. Rainfall amounts in central and southern Illinois are in the neighborhood of 1.5 to 3 inches, and between 0.75 and 1.5 inches in northern Illinois.