
Tenth Wettest February for Illinois

The statewide average precipitation in Illinois for February was 3.39 inches, 1.46 inches above normal and the tenth wettest February since statewide records began in 1895. Precipitation includes rainfall and ...

Impact of the February 1-2 Storm on Highways

The impact of the February 1-2, 2011, storm on highways in Illinois was significant. Using snowfall data and Illinois DOT highway data, our GIS specialist Zoe Zaloudek was able to ...

Snowy Winter in Illinois

Does it seem like this has been an unusually snowy winter in Illinois? The answer is yes. We are halfway through February and the snowfall totals for this winter are ...

Over 10 Million in Illinois Impacted by Storm

The February 1-2, 2011, blizzard crossed through much of central and northern Illinois. By overlaying the snowfall map over the 2000 Census data using GIS software, we can estimate the ...

January Climate Stats

The average statewide temperature for January in Illinois was 21.8 degrees, 3 degrees below normal. That's warmer than last January when the statewide temperature was only 20.3 degrees and a ...