Lake Springfield Climate Normals

Official 1981-2010 Climate Normals

State: IL
ID: 114833
Latitude: 39.7578
Longitude: -89.6044
Elevation:  586.8 ft

Precipitation-Related Pseudonormals

For stations with short records, linear combinations of normals from nearby sites were used
to compute so-called pseudonormals.

Normal    Jan    Feb    Mar    Apr    May    Jun    Jul    Aug    Sep    Oct    Nov    Dec
Prcp:    1.96   2.20   2.76   3.54   4.39   4.35   3.71   3.02   2.91   3.10   3.39   2.41
Annual Values

Precipitation:   37.74 inches

High - average daily high temperature, degrees F
Mean - average daily mean temperature, degrees F
Low - average daily low temperature, degrees F
CDD - cooling degree days, base 50F
HDD - heating degree days, base 50F
T090 - number of Days with Temperatures above 90 degrees F
T100 - number of Days with Temperatures above 100 degrees F
T000 - number of Days with Temperatures below 0 degrees F
T032 - number of Days with Temperatures below 32 degrees F
Prcp - precipitation, inches
Snow - snowfall, inches
P001 - number of Days with Precipitation of 0.01 inches or more
P010 - number of Days with Precipitation of 0.10 inches or more
P100 - number of Days with Precipitation of 1.00 inches or more
S001 - number of Days with Snowfall of 0.1 inches or more
S010 - number of Days with Snowfall of 1.0 inches or more
S100 - number of Days with Snowfall of 10.0 inches or more

Page Source:
Dr. Jim Angel, State Climatologist
Illinois State Water Survey
Prairie Research Institute
University of Illinois

Data Source:
NOAA National Climatic Data Center