Warmer and Mostly Wetter July (so far)

The statewide average temperature for July 1-22, 2010, in Illinois is 77.2 degrees, 1.1 degrees above normal for this time period. The state average precipitation for the same period is 3.46 inches, 0.70 inches above normal.
Northern and eastern Illinois are a little drier on average. However, even those drier areas contain locations with very impressive rainfall amounts.

Midwest Rainfall
Midwestern rainfall for the period July 1-21, 2010. Map courtesy of NOAA's Midwestern Regional Climate Center.

Table 1. Temperature and precipitation amounts and departures from normal by climate division in Illinois for July 1-22, 2010. A map of the climate divisions can be seen below the table.

Climate Division Temperature (F) Depart (F) Rainfall (in) Depart (in)
Northwest 75.2 1.2 1.96 -0.86
Northeast 76.2 2.3 1.44 -1.41
West 76.9 0.4 6.54 3.58
Central 76.7 1.1 2.85 0.04
East 76.2 1.2 2.08 -0.88
South Southwest 77.5 0.4 5.05 -0.88
South Southeast 78.0 0.9 5.10 2.25
Southwest 79.3 1.0 2.89 0.39
Southeast 79.3 1.0 2.90 0.39
State 77.2 1.1 3.46 0.70
Illinois Climate Divisions
Illinois Climate Divisions (coincides with crop reporting districts as well).