2010 Temperature and Precipitation in Illinois

Updated January 16 to include graph of monthly precipitation departures.


Based on preliminary data, the statewide annual temperature for Illinois in 2010 was 52.8 degrees, 1 degree above normal. Even so, the winter months of January, February, and December were much below normal. See bar graph below.

monthly temperature departures for Illinois in 2010
Monthly temperature departures from normal for Illinois in 2010.


The statewide annual precipitation for Illinois in 2010 was 40.32 inches, 1.09 inches above normal. This was far less than the 50.46 inches in 2008 and the 51.02 inches in 2009. Of course the precipitation in 2010 was not evenly distributed throughout the state. Western Illinois experienced much above normal rainfall with amounts in  excess of 48 inches in some areas. Meanwhile southern Illinois struggled with drought through much of the summer and fall. Below are the maps of total precipitation and departures from normal.

precipitation departures 2010 in Illinois
Monthly precipitation departures (inches) from normal in 2010 for Illinois.

2010 precipitation total for Illinois
The 2010 precipitation total for Illinois.

2010 precipitation departure for 2010
The 2010 precipitation departure from normal for 2010.