
Rainfall Totals for July in the Chicago Area

Here are some rainfall totals for July 2010 [updated on August 3] for the Chicago area. This is preliminary and may contain missing or incorrect data. Missing data can make ...

Warmer and Mostly Wetter July (so far)

The statewide average temperature for July 1-22, 2010, in Illinois is 77.2 degrees, 1.1 degrees above normal for this time period. The state average precipitation for the same period is ...

June Rainfall Totals in Illinois

Here are the June 2010 rainfall totals for sites in Illinois, ranked from highest to lowest. The numbers are impressive with 35 sites scattered throughout northern and central Illinois reporting ...

2nd Wettest June on Record

Illinois has experienced the 2nd wettest June on record, based on preliminary records through June 30. The statewide average rainfall was 7.8 inches, 3.7 inches above normal. The wettest June ...

Now 4th Wettest June on Record in Illinois

Right now the statewide precipitation average of 7.20 inches makes this the 4th wettest June on record. Statewide records go back to 1895. Here are the top 5 ... 8.37 ...