As of 7/28/16, the statewide average precipitation was 6.73 inches. That ties 1915 as the third wettest July on record for Illinois.There are chances of rain over the last few days of July, but the amounts are not expected to be large. Therefore, the total may increase and break the tie for third, but is not likely to exceed the 7.61″ experienced in 1992 for second place.
Here is the top ten list of wettest Julys again:
- 1958 with 8.10″
- 1992 with 7.61″
- 1915,2016 with 6.73″
- 1993 with 6.61″
- 1981 with 6.46″
- 1969 with 6.31″
- 1896 with 6.11″
- 1907 with 5.97″
- 2008 with 5.91″
- 1982 with 5.86″