After writing about the 7th warmest and 11th wettest winter on record for Illinois yesterday, today we look more closely at the winter snowfall season. While the core winter months are December, January, and February, I have extended the snowfall analysis all the way back to September 1 since areas in northern Illinois can get snow in the fall.
So far, northern Illinois has received 15 to 25 inches of snow (areas in blue, first map) for the current snowfall season, while central and southern Illinois have received 5 to 10 inches. However, most of Illinois is running below-average on snowfall (second map). In some places, it’s up to 50 percent less snowfall. The one area with above-average snowfall is far southeastern Illinois.
So, why are we below average on snowfall? A lot of it has to do with the warmer-than-average fall and the 7th warmest December-February on record. We have received plenty of precipitation this winter, it just fell as rain instead of snow.