According to the rainfall reports through yesterday (6/29), the statewide average precipitation is now 9.37 inches.
- The old record for June was 8.27 inches set in 1902.
- The current 9.37 inches beats the old record by 1.10 inches.
- The current 9.37 inches is 5.17 inches above the June average of 4.20 inches.
- The current 9.37 inches make this the second wettest month in Illinois history.
- Only September 1926 was a wetter month at 9.62 inches.
- Statewide records for Illinois go back to 1895.
The statewide average precipitation is based on records from about 650 rain gauges across the state. A majority of the reports come from two networks with trained volunteers and standardized equipment and procedures. One network is called CoCoRaHS and the other is the NWS Cooperative Observer Network or COOP for short. These dedicated observers give timely and accurate information with outstanding coverage across the state.
Tomorrow we will be able to do the calculation through June 30.
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