The statewide average temperature for October so far in Illinois is 56.5 degrees, 1.4 degrees below average. The statewide average precipitation for October so far is 2.5 inches.
Here is the map showing how the precipitation has fallen in Illinois and surrounding states. The heaviest amounts in Illinois were the 3 to 5 inches between Interstates 70 and 74. Amounts of 1 to 3 inches were common in the northern and southern thirds of the state. The largest total so far is 8.38 inches reported at Greenfield in Greene County
Most of Missouri has seen amounts of 3 to 6 inches or more as well as parts of Indiana and Michigan. It was a little drier in the Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio and the rest of Indiana where amounts of 0.5 to 2 inches were common.
The NWS forecast for the next 7 days indicate that precipitation totals for the next week could range from less than an inch in northern and central Illinois and up to 3 inches in far southern Illinois. The NWS 8 to 14 day forecast indicates that we are likely to have above-average precipitation in northern Illinois and near-average precipitation in central and southern Illinois, coupled with an increased likelihood of above-average temperatures.