The statewide temperature in Illinois for the January-July period this year stands at 47.5 degrees, 3.9 degrees below average and the 5th coldest January-July on record for the state. It is no surprise why this would be the case. The bar graph below shows the monthly temperature departures from average (1981-2010) for 2014 in Illinois. The much-below-average temperatures of January, February, and March standout as well as for July.
This graph is for monthly precipitation departures from average for 2014 in Illinois. Precipitation seems to be doing a good job of alternating between above and below-average months. In fact, the statewide precipitation departure to date is very close to zero.
Here are the precipitation departures from average across Illinois. The areas in the lightest shade of green are 0 to 2 inches above average. The areas in the lightest tan are 0 to 2 inches below average. There is a band of wetter conditions in the northeast and a band of drier conditions close to Interstate 70.
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