May Precipitation In Illinois – Wet in the West, Dry in the East

Here is the latest map of May precipitation in Illinois through the morning of May 16, showing the generally wetter conditions in western Illinois and parts of southern Illinois. Amounts were on the order of 3 to 6 inches with a few heavier amounts around White Hall. Areas in the southeast, east-central and much of northern Illinois were drier with amounts of 0.5 to 2 inches common.
There was a strong relationship between temperature and precipitation this month (second figure). Areas with heavier rainfall amounts (western and southwestern IL) had temperatures 2 to 4 degrees below average. Meanwhile areas in east-central and northern Illinois had temperatures near to slightly above average.

May 1-16, 2013 precipitation.

May 1-16, 2013, temperature departures from average.
May 1-16, 2013, temperature departures from average.


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