The statewide average temperature in Illinois for January to November this year was 57.3 degrees, based on preliminary data. That is 3.1 degrees above normal and the second warmest on record back to 1895. Only 1921 was warmer with 57.6 degrees. This was in spite of a fall where the statewide average temperature was 52.7 degrees and 1.5 degrees below normal. Most of the above-normal warmth occurred in the January to July time frame. See graph below.
As mentioned earlier, the statewide average precipitation in Illinois for January to November this year was 27.6 inches and the 12th driest on record. This was in spite of a fall where the statewide average precipitation was 10.13 inches, 0.16 inches above normal. The graph below illustrates the beginning of a drought recovery in September and October before the dry November.
Here in Germany the summer are always wet. I watch the weather change with great concern. We currently have almost 15 degrees Celsius in December to warm weather. No snow. Normally, it would have to have snow