Based on preliminary numbers, the statewide average precipitation for the first 15 days of November in Illinois was 2.8 inches. That is 1.2 inches above average or 171 percent of average. The largest rainfall totals were in western Illinois, four to nearly five inches in some places, where it was most needed.
Soil Moisture
Soil moisture readings from Water Survey sites at Perry, Monmouth, Peoria, and Springfield, show that the water content in the top 20 inches of the soil is at 30-35 percent, nearly ideal for this time of year. That is a big improvement over this summer when the water content was only 15-20 percent in the top 20 inches.
With 97 percent of the corn and 98 percent of the soybeans harvested and winter wheat in good shape, many of the agricultural impacts of the 2011 “flash” drought in western and central Illinois are done. The recent precipitation and the precipitation in the next few months should leave Illinois soils fully recharged for spring.
The statewide average temperature for the first 15 days of November in Illinois was 49.2 degrees. That is 4.8 degrees above average.
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