The statewide average precipitation for June in Illinois was 6.7 inches. That’s 2.6 inches above the 1971-2000 average. Rainfall totals at individual sites were impressive. The highest rainfall total for June was from a CoCoRaHS observer near Warsaw (Henderson County) who reported 20.85 inches. NWS cooperative observers in Loami reported 14.48 inches and in Jacksonville reported 13.74 inches
The statewide average temperature for June was 72.8 degrees, 0.9 degrees above average. The warmest reported temperature for the month was 100 degrees in DuQuoin on June 4.
If it feels like we are seeing a lot of wet Junes, you are right. First is a list of the top ten wettest Junes in Illinois:
- 8.37 inches in 1902
- 7.68 inches in 1998
- 7.67 inches in 2010
- 7.31 inches in 1928
- 7.13 inches in 2000
- 6.99 inches in 1924
- 6.89 inches in 1993
- 6.80 inches in 1945
- 6.73 inches in 2011
- 6.52 inches in 1957
We also have a five-year streak of above-average precipitation for June in Illinois:
- 2007: 4.18 inches, 0.06 inches above average
- 2008: 5.74 inches, 1.62 inches above average
- 2009: 5.20 inches, 1.08 inches above average
- 2010: 7.67 inches, 3.53 inches above average
- 2011: 6.73 inches, 2.61 inches above average
We don’t know what will happen in July. However, the last three years have ended up with wetter than average July’s, on a statewide basis.