Winter Outlook for Illinois – Wetter and Warmer

NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center released their official winter outlook today. The major influence in this winter’s weather will be the moderate to strong La Niña event occurring in the Pacific Ocean.


The winter outlook calls for an increased chance of above-normal precipitation across Illinois. They also state that the Ohio River Valley (including Illinois) is … “likely to see increased storminess and flooding.” Other studies have shown an increase in snowfall in the Great Lakes region during past La Niña events, especially in the January-March period.


The southern two-thirds of the state has an increased chance of above-normal temperature. Meanwhile the northern third of Illinois has “equal chances” of above-, below-, or normal temperatures.  This basically means that their forecast tools are providing no guidance on winter temperatures in northern Illinois, including the Chicago area.

Winter outlook for precipitation (NOAA)
NOAA Winter Outlook for Precipitation.

winter outlook for temperature (NOAA)
NOAA Winter Outlook for Temperature


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